David Enevoldsen


A Little About Me

I have worked for over a decade in family law. I also have children, and have gone through a divorce myself. Because of my own personal experience in family court, I understand both legally and emotionally what is involved in a family court case.

When I am not representing clients in court, I work on a project I created called “Emotional Embuffination.” Emotional Embuffination focuses on the cultivation of emotional strength and overcoming conflict. This project spawned from the difficulties I witnessed in divorces and child custody matters. I am very passionate about helping people to effectively overcome the challenges of the confusing and emotionally trying family court process.


  • Phoenix School of Law, Phoenix, AZ
    J.D., Magna Cum Laude, Salutatorian, 2012
  • Arizona State University
    B.A. in Psychology, Summa Cum Laude, 2003


  • Arizona, 2012
  • Federal District Court, District of Arizona, 2014

A Few Books I’ve Authored. 

More books available on embuffination.com