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5635 N. Scottsdale Rd. #170
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I contact your office?

STEP 1: CONTACT US. The first step in using an attorney is to reach out. We’ll get some basic information, find out what kind of case you have and then schedule an initial consult with one of our family law attorneys. There is no fee for this call.

STEP 2: INITIAL CONSULT. The second step is to attend the initial consult. The consult can be done in person or as a video conference (whichever is more convenient). You will have an hour long meeting during which time we will go over what’s happening in your case and develop a game plan on how to move forward. The attorney will answer any questions you may have and give advice as necessary. There is a flat fee of $250 for this meeting.

STEP 3: CHOOSE REPRESENTATION TYPE. At the end of your consult, you’ll make a decision on whether to proceed on your own or to use an attorney. If you’re using an attorney, you’ll choose exactly what you want us to do. At that point we’ll have a discussion to make sure we’re on the same page and then getting moving on your case.

Do you charge a flat fee or charge by the hour?

Our office charges by the hour for representation in family court cases. We do require the payment of a fee advance at the beginning, and then we bill against that fee advance. If the fee advance falls below a certain amount, you will need to replenish the fee advance. Any portion of the fee advance that is unused at the end of represenation is returned.

For some services, like preparing a prenuptial agreement, we are able to charge a fixed fee or flat fee because the scope of the work is much more predictable. 

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