Conflicting Out Potential Attorneys in a Divorce or Family Matter

Conflicting Out Potential Attorneys in a Divorce or Family Matter

A devious trick sometimes promoted in family court cases involves the idea of conflicting out potential attorneys before your spouse can use them. The theory goes like this: Attorneys are required to maintain a conflict database. The conflict database is a list of...
Tactical Advantages In Filing First In Your Divorce

Tactical Advantages In Filing First In Your Divorce

There are arguably advantages in filing first in your divorce. However, none of those advantages is likely to make or break your case. Specific advantages include the ability to go first and last in trial and not having to live with the fear of a being served. There...
Changes In the Tax Rules Associated With Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)

Changes In the Tax Rules Associated With Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, recently approved into federal law, is bringing a major change to the divorce arena. Specifically, the issue of alimony (or “spousal maintenance” as it is called in Arizona) will be changing in terms of how it is counted for tax purposes.The...
Common Law Marriage in Arizona

Common Law Marriage in Arizona

A question I receive fairly often is whether or not common law marriage is recognized in Arizona. This article is designed to address what common law marriage is and explain when Arizona acknowledges it.What Is Common Law Marriage?While there is some variance from...
Downloading Text Messages from an iPhone for a Family Court Case

Downloading Text Messages from an iPhone for a Family Court Case

Why would you want to download text messages from your iPhone?Family court cases depend a lot on the particular facts of that case, and it probably won't surprise you when I say that parties often don't agree on the facts. This means a judge can get two wildly...
Embryo Ownership In A Divorce

Embryo Ownership In A Divorce

Show Topic This show aired on August 6, 2017. It was hosted by David Enevoldsen, a partner with Family Law Guys. Guests included Debbie Levine and Ruby Torres. Ruby discussed her personal case involving a divorce with a fight over ownership of embryos after she was...