by David Enevoldsen | Oct 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Text messages or emails can play an important role in your family court case. They can prove a party’s unreasonable positions, they can verify your efforts to do certain things, they can create enforceable binding agreements, and much more. Because of all this, it’s... by Chris Rike | Jan 7, 2017 | Uncategorized
After you file a petition for dissolution (divorce), you must serve the petition on your spouse. This is technically called “service of process” and it is a formal process by which you notify your spouse of the divorce by having copies of the paperwork delivered to...
by David Enevoldsen | Nov 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
You meet. It’s magical and perfect. Then again. And again. And each time, it’s bliss. Nothing’s more important. Your heart races in anticipation. You want them. They want you. You fall in love. Life is amazing. But then, no sooner than love came, something changes....
by David Enevoldsen | Apr 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
The recent discovery of divorce papers related to Charlie Chaplin reveal details about his abusive marital life with his second wife, Lita Grey. Charlie Chaplin was a silent film actor that became famous from, amongst other things, his on-screen persona, “The... by David Enevoldsen | Dec 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
An old Taoist parable: There once was a man who owned a farm. He had one son and a horse. One day, the horse ran away into the wilderness. The man’s neighbor came over and said, “Oh, what horrible fortune it is that your horse ran away. This is a great... by David Enevoldsen | Feb 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
Jane Mulcahy, a British woman, got a divorce. She then filed suit against her attorneys, asserting that they had engaged in professional negligence. One of the claims was that her lawyers failed to adequately explain to her that going through the divorce process would...